Indices of the global world

07 February 2018

In the run-up to the New Year, Andrey Milekhin, President of Romir research holding, co-authored with Oleg Ivanov, his long-standing partner, mathematician and sociologist, and with the publishing assistance of the Federal Publicly Funded Institution of Science ISPRRAS released the book “Indices of the global world”.

In this book the most extensive overview of indices and ratings of all kinds is given – from the first ones at the beginning of the previous century to our times. For the ease of convenience all indices are divided into groups and put into relevant chapters, for instance, on the subjects of economics, politics, social issues, environment, global security, urban science. Indigenous Russian indices are presented in the last chapter. By the example of foreign indices, they try to substantiate our country with international measurement system. However, there are unique indigenous indices, which have no equals across the globe.

As possible, some indices, which, first of all, are still calculated, are illustrated with short results of last reports (2015 - 2017), in order to brighten up mentioned methods and add demonstrativeness.

The book can be useful for both practitioners (researchers, economists and marketing experts) and high readership. To read the book, please, contact the press office in Romir research holding.

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