Mile Group and MSU Launch a New Educational Program
Enrolment in a new advanced training program titled “Modern Sociology and Big Data: Transforming the World and Society” has started.
The above is a joint program of Mile group, Gallup International Association, and Lomonosov Moscow State University at the completion of which participants will be receive state issued certificates. The course is based on the unique Mile People Data Technology tool. The advanced training program will provide knowledge about modern tools for understanding and analyzing human behavior, markets, society and the opportunity to develop skills in obtaining and analyzing socio-economic information using longitudinal, monitoring, and panel methodology.
The training will be useful for marketers, analysts, sociologists, psychologists – both practitioners and researchers.
The program will be led by Andrey Vladimirovich Milekhin, Doctor of Sociology, founder of Mile group and Vice President of Gallup International Association; Grebenyuk Alexander Alexandrovich, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director for Research at the School of Contemporary Social Sciences (Department) of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
At the completion of the of the course, a certificate from Lomonosov Moscow State University, a diploma from the Gallup International Association, and a diploma from Mile group will be issued to the participants.
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