Romir at the conference "Human potential in science and higher education: problems and prospects of development"

03 December 2023

On December 1, President Romir Andrey Milekhin took part in the international scientific and practical conference "Human potential in science and higher education: problems and prospects of development." The conference was held at the Department of Sociology of MGIMO with the support of the World-class Scientific Center "Center for Interdisciplinary Human Development Studies" and was timed to the 55th anniversary of the Faculty of International Journalism of the University.

Andrey Vladimirovich made a presentation "Overcoming the crisis of human knowledge. Longitud and normalization of polls." As part of his speech, President Romir spoke about the Romir longitudinal system, what methods are used to normalize polls and what are the advantages of the longitudinal method.

"We have accumulated and systematized data on people for more than 35 years, which allows us to successfully observe the development of Russian society in retrospect and make reasonable forecasts. We have created a complete and comprehensive system for collecting data on consumption and behavior, which is based on research methodology and dynamically keeps pace with the innovative development of technologies and artificial intelligence," the speaker shared.

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