ROMIR client conference «Revival of Meanings»
On 2 April 2024, ROMIR's annual spring conference entitled «Revival of Meanings» was held at the Moscow Planetarium. Under meanings were presented the main values that are the most important in the lives of Russians and which our respondents annually rank in the framework of business reputation and values research (GRI).
So, the main value of our compatriots - family - was discussed in his report «Family: the formula of demography» by Andrey Milekhin, President of ROMIR. He reminded the assembled guests of the great work on psychodemographic formulas, which is carried out by ROMIR within the framework of the eponymous domain for the project "Horizon 2040". The talk was about the need to restore the model of multigenerational family, control abortions and support the health of the nation, comprehension of migration processes and urbanisation policy, development and popularisation of the Russian language, culture and traditions. Only a comprehensive approach to the demographic problem can lead to positive changes.
The next value - responsibility - gave rise to a conversation on the topic of conscious customer choice. Anastasia Dzhafarova, Director of Business Development at ROMIR, spoke about consumer trends and the moods of Russians.
The next report was devoted to the topic of honesty. This value was transformed into a discussion of the topic of STM as an attribute of conscious consumption. Nagapet Nagapetyan, Head of the ROMIR Client Group, and Ekaterina Goncharova, Communications Director of Fix Price, spoke about how the STM market is developing in Moscow and the regions, and also talked about the specifics of STM on the example of Fix Price.
Many people associate such a value as safety primarily with cars. Therefore, the next report was devoted to the topic of reviewing the automotive market through the eyes of the consumer. The speakers were Ludmila Fukova, Senior Director for Customer Relations at ROMIR, Dmitry Novikov, Director for Customer Service Management at AVTOVAZ, and Konstantin Tamirov, Head of Marketing Consulting Practice at OKS Labs, who presented a comprehensive overview of the Russian automotive market and shared the main problems of the segment's development from the perspective of car owners.
The theme of innovation as another important value was revealed in the report on catering, which is successfully developing through the synergy of a three-way partnership between researchers, restaurateurs and manufacturers of spices and sauces. The speakers were Margarita Abramkina, ROMIR Client Relations Director, Tatiana Perlova, Head of Marketing Research at Unirest (ROSTIC'S), and Lutfiya Izmaylova, Head of Marketing Research at Krafthainz Vostok.
Creativity as a value was revealed in the report on the strategy of value positioning in retail, which was told by Anastasia Sidorina, ROMIR's Customer Service Director. She presented the main retail trends and forecast of retail formats development based on ROMIR's own calculations.
The business part of the conference was rounded off by ROMIR Executive Director Inna Karaeva with a report on social metrics through consumers' life situations, which illustrated the value of reliability.
The conference, which gathered under the large dome of the Planetarium more than 250 participants from among ROMIR clients, students and teachers of leading Moscow universities, representatives of government agencies, ended with a traditional buffet and informal networking. We thank everyone for their interest and feedback. See you again!
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