ROMIR President at the Dialogue of Cultures International Media Forum
On 22 May, the 18th annual Dialogue of Cultures International Media Forum opened at the Hermitage State Museum in St. Petersburg. More than 300 representatives of creative industries gathered in the city on the Neva River to exchange experience with colleagues from different regions of Russia and other countries, as well as to witness the Dialogue, which has been carefully guarded by the museum for more than two and a half centuries.
For many years, the Forum has been bringing together young authors, allowing them to demonstrate their original cross-border media projects to a wide audience, receive expert evaluation by recognized maestros of world journalism, and share ideas and their unique experience.
The Forum traditionally began with a practical conference attended by journalists, bloggers, government officials and representatives of the arts from Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries. Andrey Milekhin, President of ROMIR, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, made a report on «Russian View of the New World», in which he touched upon demographic problems and ways to solve them.
The president of ROMIR spoke about demography through the prism of a human-centered society. «We really don't know who we are, what we want. We don't even know how many of us there are. I have been involved in measurement all my life and I can say that all social, statistical and marketing research is biased to the end», says Andrey Milekhin in his speech.
According to the speaker, Russia has set a course to regenerate the demographic situation in the country. It is connected, first of all, with the restoration of the institution of the family on the basis of traditions, with the stationarity of the population, with the type of housebuilding.
«The family is the primary social domain of any society, a solid foundation on which the basis of a developed and densely populated country is built. Russia is rich in its roots, multi-ethnicity, tolerance of world religions, and most importantly – vast expanses, deep and boundless. There is a big layer of work here, but if we start to restore and build a system based on the Russian language, our traditions and culture, we will soon see a positive trend in demographic issues», said Andrey Milekhin.
The speaker also noted the importance of migration processes, which all over the world involve the exchange of «brains, hearts and minds». In Russia, value-based migration oriented towards revival and preservation of traditions will be intensified in the near future. «Russia should certainly make efforts to facilitate the return of waves of emigrants who left the country for various reasons. Intellectual migration is most important for us. It is for this purpose that Russian science, culture and language reach out to the world. Our meeting is proof of that», summarised Andrey Milekhin.
The Forum presented participants' projects and short films as part of the festival ’Eurasia. A New Generation of Dialogue’. A multimedia exhibition of photographic projects and installations by young authors was held in the public spaces of the Museum's Main Staff. Leading gurus of Eurasia's information space also held a series of master classes entitled «Media Lessons in the Hermitage».
The Forum is traditionally organized by the Media Congress «Commonwealth of Journalists» together with the State Hermitage Museum with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund, the Government of St. Petersburg, the Russian World Foundation and the Russian Union of Journalists.
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