Among mobile apps, the leading categories for Russians are "Communications," "Video," and "Finance"

25 October 2021

Romir Research Holding found out which mobile applications are used by Russians (based on data from Single Source Panel*).

The most popular were communication applications - 60.9% of respondents used them in September, which is not much different from the results of September last year (60.6%). The leading messengers in this category are WhatsApp (59.3%), Telegram (31%) and Viber (29.8%). The number of WhatsApp users remained virtually unchanged over the year (59.5% - 2020). The number of Telegram users increased by 10.6 percentage points. Viber, on the other hand, lost 5.9 percentage points.

"Telegram already showed a large increase in users in September, as we can see. Now we are waiting for the October figures and will be able to analyze how the failure of the American giant affected the growth of Durov's project. Overall, compared to last year, the app preferences of Russians have not changed. Messengers and mobile services for solving financial issues, as well as videos in the "Entertainment" category are still most in demand," said Elizaveta Petrova, head of media research at Romir Holding.

Video apps are the second most popular category (52.3%). YouTube remains the clear leader in this category, with more than half of respondents favoring it.

In the "Finance" category, the most popular applications are Sberbank Online (49.7%), Tinkoff (12.3%), VTB (11.5%) and Alfa-Bank (7.6%). A total of 49.7% of Russians solve financial issues through apps.


*Romir Single Source Panel (SSP) is a unique product of Romir team aimed at cross-analysis of all types of consumption: consumption of goods and services, media and Internet consumption. It is a study of TV, Radio and Internet consumption of more than 4,000 people using special software and technical solutions. SSP participants are residents aged 14 years and older, in cities with a population of 100,000 or more.

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