Artificial man - future or reality?

06 March 2023

The research company Romir (part of M-Holding) and the Gallup International Association (GIA) studied the opinion of the inhabitants of the Earth about what awaits us in a quarter of a century. According to the results of a global study, almost every second inhabitant of the Earth is convinced that artificial man will become a reality in the next 25 years.

46% of earthlings believe that in 25 years an artificial man will be created. 39% disagree with this, and 15% could not make up their minds. Geographically, the most optimistic on this issue are in the Middle East, North Africa, North America and East Asia.
The most in agreement with this statement are found in Thailand (86%), Vietnam (69%), Afghanistan (68%), Bolivia (68%), Ghana (68%).

Among Russians, a third believes in the possibility of such a scenario - 34% of Russians believe that artificial man will be created in the next quarter of a century. This opinion is more common among young people aged 25 to 34 years.
If the artificial man in people's perception is still part of the image of the future, the Internet - an artificial environment for communication - has already become an integral part of modern life. And dependence on it will only increase, - this is what 86% of the world's inhabitants think. 10% disagree with this statement, and 4% found it difficult to answer. The difference of opinion on this issue is due not so much to geographical characteristics as to demographic characteristics, but also to the level of access to technology in the country/region. North America, South Asia and the European Union believe the most in the increase of Internet addiction.

Among the countries, the leaders in terms of the proportion of residents who believe that Internet addiction will increase were Nigeria (97%), North Macedonia (97%), South Korea (95%), Portugal (95%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (96%).

In Russia, 75% believe that in the future the world will be even more dependent on the Internet. At the same time, representatives of the older generation (60 years and older) talk about it the most.

President of Romir Holding, Andrey Milekhin:
The speed at which technological changes are taking place is enormous. The main question is not when these technologies will enter our lives, but how they will change them. Society will have to solve new ethical and existential problems - how human and artificial intelligence will relate to each other in the social environment, how new frontiers of rights and freedoms will be built, what the humanization of technology will bring: new perspectives, risks or disappointments.

About the study:
The study was conducted jointly with research companies belonging to the Gallup International Association. In total, 60.7, 000 people were interviewed in 64 countries, including Russia. Data collection: in person, by phone or via the Internet, August-October 2022. In Russia, the sample is representative of the population of cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.

Romir has specialized in marketing, media and socio-economic research since 1987. Romir is part of M-Holding that is the largest private research company in Russia focused on the in-depth study of modern man using innovative methods and technologies. Specializing in large-scale marketing, cross-media research, social and socio-economic research.


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