Every fourth Russian is satisfied with his salary
More than a quarter of Russians (27%) are satisfied to one degree or another with the size of their salary. Just over a third (35%) of respondents showed dissatisfaction with this issue. A neutral answer was given by 15% of study participants. These are the results of an all-Russian survey* conducted by ROMIR in December 2023 as part of the independent sociological study of the labor market “Talentist”. The study was conducted for the second year in a row by the presidential platform “Russia – the Land of Opportunities” and the ANCOR staffing group.
“As part of a large-scale sociological study, we measure various indicators that can characterize the current situation on the labor market and its changes. It is important to note that traditionally men have a higher degree of satisfaction with salary than women - 29% versus 25%, respectively. The highest proportion of satisfaction with the level of wages was found in the age group of 25-34 years – 38%,” said Alexey Perventsev, one of the organizers of the “Talentist” study, head of the Personnel Agency of the presidential platform “Russia – the Land of Opportunities”.
Russians with higher education were more likely than other survey participants to report satisfaction with their salaries – 34%. Whereas among Russians with an academic degree, this figure is significantly lower – 23%. More than a third of respondents (37%) working full time considered their pay to be decent.
The study showed that the degree of satisfaction with salary is directly proportional to income level. Thus, in the low-income group, 16% of respondents reported satisfaction with their salaries, and in the high-income group – 59%.
“By region, we did not identify significant differences in the level of salary satisfaction among respondents - in general, the answers in various federal districts are close to the average for the sample. The only exception is the Far East, where only 17% of respondents said they were satisfied with their salary,” said Inna Karaeva, executive director of the ROMIR research holding.
But in different types of cities there is a difference in sentiment regarding the size of remuneration, and the degree of satisfaction with salary is inversely proportional to the size of the locality. In rural areas and small towns, more than a third of respondents (37-38%) gave a positive answer to the question about satisfaction with their wages. In cities with a population of over a million, less than a fifth (19%) of those surveyed were satisfied.
“Analysis of the results by industry showed that almost two-thirds (65%) of those employed in agriculture (including forestry and fishing) are satisfied with the level of wages. And this is the highest figure in the sample. More than half (54%) of respondents working in real estate and construction also expressed satisfaction with their salary. Likewise, almost half of civil servants and security officials (47%) are also satisfied with their salaries,” said Natalya Shcherbakova, Director of Sales and Marketing of ANCOR, co-organizer of the “Talentist” study. The lowest rates of satisfaction with salary levels were found among workers in such areas as trade (29%), production and industry (31%) and science, sports, culture, education (32%).
The study was conducted on the basis of the ROMIR Unified Data Panel in December 2023. The survey included 1,200 people aged 18 years and older. The sample complied with quotas by gender, age, income, education, types of settlements and regions. The sample represents the adult population of Russia.
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