How many adherents of healthy lifestyle in Russia

11 December 2023

Research holding Romir together with Rospotrebnadzor within the framework of the Healthy Nutrition project present the results of a large-scale study of the attitude of the Russian population to a healthy lifestyle in 2023.

The study has been conducted for three years in a row. It is attended by men and women from 18 to 65 years old, residents of Russian cities with a population of 10,000 people or more. The uniqueness of the methodology lies in the use of not only survey methods, but also analytics of purchasing power and consumer behavior of the population on the basis of the Romir Unified Data Panel*. Thus, it is possible to collect comprehensive data that allow you to obtain a representative assessment of consumer behavior of people throughout Russia.

According to the results of the study, four healthy lifestyle groups were formed based on the attitude of respondents to healthy eating and lifestyle:

∙ Healthy lifestyle adepts - those who are absolutely committed to a healthy lifestyle;
∙ Healthy lifestyle-Followers - those who try to maintain a healthy lifestyle in all areas;
∙ Healthy lifestyles - those who are on the way of full transition to an active lifestyle, proper nutrition, healthy sleep, rejection of bad habits and other key parameters of a healthy lifestyle;
∙ Healthy lifestyles-Inert - those who are still neutral about healthy everyday habits.

The share of the most active segments - HLS Adepts (5%) and HLS Followers (19%) - strengthened by 6% compared to last year (see Diagram 1). At the same time, the category of healthy lifestyle adepts has rejuvenated, and now the main part of it consists of young people aged 25-34 years. However, the core of most healthy lifestyle segments is Russians aged 35-49 years, that is, people at the age when more attention is paid to their health. Compared to last year, the number of healthy lifestyles has decreased by 15% and now amounts to 35% of the number of respondents. Some of the departed respondents joined the segments of healthy lifestyle adherents and healthy lifestyle adherents, some of them moved to the category of healthy lifestyle inert.

Diagram 1. Distribution of the population of Russia according to the principle of attitude to a healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition. 2021-2023.

As the study showed, in 2023 75% of respondents have a positive attitude to healthy nutrition. Of these, 28% have changed their attitude to healthy lifestyle in a positive way over the past year, and 47% of respondents have long been positive about healthy eating, which is consistently among the TOP-3 associations with a healthy lifestyle.

62% of respondents note healthy nutrition as a priority component of healthy lifestyle in general. Russians also call healthy sleep (66%), walks in the fresh air (59%), balance of work and rest (58%), abstinence from alcohol and smoking (55%), stable emotional state (44%), regular physical activity (43%) and personal hygiene (42%).

Health (65%), family (61%) and financial stability (57%) are noted by respondents as key factors affecting overall well-being. And this picture persists throughout all three years of research. This year there has been a significant increase in all answer options.

The vast majority of healthy lifestyle adherents (87%) note the strong impact of healthy eating on human well-being. Healthy lifestyle followers (83%) and healthy lifestyle followers (73%) also appreciate the impact of healthy eating on well-being. This topic - the food basket for healthy lifestyle - will be devoted to the next release.

* The Romir Consumer Scan Panel is based on consumption data of 40,000 Russians, 15,000 households in 220 cities with a population of 10,000 people or more, representing the buying and consumer behavior of residents of Russian cities. Panel participants scan QR codes of checks and record electronic checks for all purchased goods and services. The results of the online scanning are available in the panel database

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