Reading Russians spend time with a book while taking a bath, getting ready for bed, and doing other things at the same time
Yandex Books together with the ROMIR Institute of Man have identified the features of the literary experience of Russian readers.
With the advent of the audio format, readers have more opportunities to immerse themselves in the world of books. Today, every second person chooses audiobooks, and the top popular genres are classical literature, detectives, and history. 52% listen to works at home in their free time, 46% - while doing other things, such as cleaning or cooking, and 38% - in bed before going to bed. By the way, 65% of Russians read before going to bed, for whom well-being and comfort are important
“At the end of the summer, the book service became part of the Yandex Plus subscription. We are very sensitive to the reading experience and want it to be as high-quality as possible for Plus subscribers. Of course, for this it is necessary to evaluate not only the user footprint in the service application, but also the interest in books in general. In order to study the habits and needs of the modern reader, we teamed up with the ROMIR Institute of Man and found out how, where and what people read who share such a wonderful feeling as love for books,” said Daria Anzhelo, Marketing Director of Yandex Books.
More than half of Russians who read in the evenings or at night choose detective stories — in electronic, printed and audio formats. This genre is also popular among dog owners — 58% of dog owners prefer it. Classic literature is in first place among fish lovers.
Russians prefer to listen to and read books in places where they can relax. For example, every tenth does this while taking a bath. Many of them choose works of such genres as detective stories, classical literature and history. They also find peace outside the home. For 67% of Russians who read in libraries, self-realization and development are important. Those who usually listen to audiobooks on public transport and while doing sports often choose the classic and fantasy genres.
“Russians read books in a variety of formats — most often, these are paper books (76% of respondents), but many also read electronically (67%) and listen to audio (49%). In general, the presented data reflects the diversification of the book market and does not indicate the dominance of one format over others. On the contrary, it suggests that each of them has its own niche and its own audience,” comments Margarita Abramkina, Client Relations Director at ROMIR.
In addition, Russian readers have their own book rituals, which are partly related to generational differences. Zoomers, millennials, and boomers are united by the habit of discussing what they have read with loved ones. All of them, one way or another, exchange books — however, millennials and boomers do this more actively than zoomers. A distinctive feature of the younger generation has become the ritual of highlighting lines in books and writing out quotes - 28% of zoomers do this. Today, you don't even have to pick up a pencil to do this: many book services have a special function for highlighting quotes you like. All of them are automatically collected in one section in the application, so you can return to the desired quote at any time.
All three generations are also united by an interest in classical literature. Zoomers are also close to psychology and fantasy, millennials are close to detectives and self-development, and boomers are close to detectives and historical books. They would be happy to receive works of these genres as a gift. By the way, Russians who give books usually choose detectives, history and fantasy for others. At the same time, works in the health genre are more often given by those of them who prefer to read while eating.
Works about historical events are usually chosen by men - every second one is interested in them, apparently immersed in thoughts about the Roman Empire. At the same time, every tenth reading man simply wants peace and merging with the infinitely eternal, preferring books in the romance genre.
Women (78%) read books with their children more often than men (62%). The parents surveyed, as a rule, choose works for such joint leisure either according to the child's preferences (71%), or from those that they themselves loved as children (62%).
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