Romir: discounts and second-hand goods as ways to optimize the budget

10 March 2022

As part of a review  of consumer attitude the Romir Research Holding found out how Russians relate to various ways of reducing costs. For reasons of economy, many Russians prefer to buy second-hand goods. According to Romir Consumer Scan Panel*, 72 % of Russians have experience in purchasing things that have been used. This includes clothing as well as machinery, furniture and other types of goods.

It is interesting to note that indicator does not change according to the income level and the gender of the respondents. But significantly more buyers of second-hand goods among people who have children (79%).

On the contrary, most Russians do not trust discounts. 57% of Russians share the view that discount is a reduction in the prevalence of overpricing. People aged 20 to 29(43%) have neutral opinions. The highest proportion of those who do not trust discounts is among the older generation (77%).

«Recently, there has been significant growth of  the trend of conscious consumption, and changes in the economic situation are actualizing it. The research reveals that many Russians have experience in purchasing second-hand products, which is confirmed by the increase in the coverage of Avito Ad Service», said Ksenia Paizanskaya, senior director of Romir customer service.

*Romir Consumer Scan Panel is based on  the data from a survey of household consumption

of 40 000 consumers in more than 220 cities of Russia with the population over 10 000 people.

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