Telegram messenger: user profile
12% of city population in Russia use Telegram, and among Muscovites this figure is 18%. The average daily time of Telegram usage among all Russian residents is 10 minutes, among Muscovites – 11%. By comparison of user profiles in Russia at large and in Moscow some differences were revealed, though most features are common. For instance, the women slightly prevail over the men among Telegram users on a nationwide scale, but vice versa in the capital. Young audience of Telegram is the same on a nationwide scale and in Moscow. However, the share of middle-aged users is higher in the capital, and the share of users over 45 y.o. is higher on a nationwide scale. Telegram audience in Moscow have higher income than national average rate. Analysis of cross media behavior of Telegram users shows that in Moscow users prefer Russia C, NTV and TV 3 channels, and in other Russian cities – TNT and STS channels. Among preferable radio stations in Moscow are Radio Culture, Business FM and Radio 7. In other Russian cities Telegram users more often listen to Europe Plus and Dorognoe Radio.
According to data, obtained on a basis of Romir Single Source Panel, in the fourth quarter of the previous year one in eight (12%) residents of Russian cities and 18% of the Muscovites used Telegram. The average daily time of Telegram usage was 10 minutes on a nationwide scale, and 11 minutes in Moscow.
By comparison of user profiles in Russia at large and in Moscow some differences were revealed, though most features are common. Thus, the women (55%) slightly prevail over the men (45%) among Telegram users on a nationwide scale. In the capital, however, the men (54%) use Telegram more often than the women do (46%).
Speaking about age division, the situation in Russia and Moscow is similar. Among young audience under 24 y.o. 37% use Telegram both in Moscow and in Russia at large. Almost the same are the shares of users at the age of 25-34 y.o. – 21-23. In Moscow, however, the audience of Telegram users is wider among 35-44 y.o. users (22%), whereas averagely in Russia there are only 14% of users of this age. At the same time, the share of Telegram users among urban residents over 45 y.o. is 26%, though in Moscow it equals 21%.
Almost two thirds of Telegram users are married, both in Russia (65%) and in Moscow (63%). The share of single people is 20% in Russia and 15% in the capital. In Moscow, herewith, the share of divorced users is significantly higher (23%) than in urban Russia (10%). National average share of childless users or users with adult children is 55%. One in three (32%) residents has one child. In Moscow these figures equal 61% and 33% relatively.
Telegram audience in Moscow has higher income than national average rate. Thus, in urban Russia one in five (20%) Telegram users has low income, more than a half (53%) – mean income, and slightly more than a quarter (27%) has high income. In Moscow then these figures equal 13%, 49% and 39% relatively.
More than a half (54%) of Telegram users have Higher Education Diplomas and academic degrees. One in three (32%) Telegram users in urban Russia has secondary vocational or incomplete higher education. In Moscow this share is 26%.
Due to capabilities of Romir Single Source Panel*, which track cross media behavior of the respondents, we know now TV and radio preferences of Telegram users. Thus, for instance, Telegram users in Moscow watch TV channel “Russia Culture” more often (20%) than users in Russia at large. Besides, Moscow users have higher percentage of NTV (60%) and TV 3 (44%) viewing, in comparison with users from all Russian cities. City inhabitants of Russia watch TNT (51%) and STS (41%) significantly more often than the Muscovites.
According to radio listening, it is worth mentioning that Moscow Telegram users listen to Radio Culture more often (20%) than users in Russian cities. Besides, they prefer Business FM (13%) and Radio 7 (15%), Among city inhabitants in Russia Europe Plus (38%) and Dorognoe Radio (28%) are the most popular.
*Romir Single Source Panel is a unique product launched by Romir team that is aimed at cross media consumption analysis. SSP has reached stable ongoing performance with a representative sample of 3 000 panelists all of whom are active participants of Romir Consumer Scan Panel. The aim of SSP Project is to obtain data on comprehensive media channel interaction experienced by products/services end buyers aged 14 and more in Russian cities with population of over 100 thousand people. The digital app is downloaded to smartphones and tablets of all panelists participating in the project. The app registers interaction with media channels thanks to its automatic content (signature) recognition (ACR) technology, as well as tracks one’s Internet consumption, including facts and duration of one’s mobile app usage instances. In addition, on the participants’ stationary PCs and laptops, a special plug-in is installed that keeps track of a person’s Internet consumption from one’s desktop.
Romir is the largest independent research holding that specializes in marketing, media and socio-economic research. The holding is the exclusive representative of the renowned global association of independent researchers and opinion pollsters WIN/Gallup International, which allows the company to conduct research in over 80 countries of the world. Romir has a unique regional network comprising over 30 branch companies in all of the key regions of the country and the former republics of the USSR.
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