Transition to alternative energy sources. The opinion of the Russians and the world
Most Russians believe that in 25 years the world will still be using fossil fuels rather than alternative energy sources - 46% of the country's residents agree with this. These are the data of the all-Russian study Romir.
One in five people in Russia did not agree that dependence on fossil energy sources will continue in the future. 34% found it difficult to answer.
Most skeptics about alternative energy sources are among the "military" generation (50%). The generation of the “thaw” (42%) agreed the least of all with the fact that in 25 years the main sources of energy will still be fossil energy sources.
Geographically, the residents of the Urals Federal District (24%) are most optimistic about the prospects for alternative energy sources. Most of those who believe that fossil energy sources will still remain the main ones are in the Northwestern Federal District (50%).
In general, every second earthling in the world is sure that in 25 years alternative energy sources will not replace fossil fuels. These are the data of the global study of the International Association Gallup International, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the organization.
Residents of the United Arab Emirates, Côte d'Ivoire, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Macedonia are most inclined to maintain dependence on fossil fuels. Do not agree with this mainly in South Korea, Peru, Yemen, Argentina and Ethiopia.
Doctor of Sociology, founder of M-Holding, President Romir Andrey Milekhin:
“The energy crisis has shown that alternative energy sources at the present stage cannot replace traditional ones - oil, gas, coal. And now the countries that have faced problems in the field of energy supply are assessing the situation as carefully as possible, even people - this is shown by the study”.
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